New Global Frontiers in Regulation

Publisher: Edward Elgar
Subject: Nanostructured materials industry--Government, Nanotechnology--Government policy.
Authors: , ,
Pages: 422 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9781847205186
Call No: HD 9999.N362 N49 2007
'This is an insightful collection by leading thinkers in both regulation and nanotechnology. It confronts new technological challenges with fresh regulatory insight.' - John Braithwaite, Australian National University Our growing ability to manufacture materials at the atomic scale will change our lives for the better, and tomorrow's nano-economy will outperform today's information age. Or so its proponents claim. Others maintain that a future dominated by commercial incentives risks a toxicological nightmare to rival the sorry global story of asbestos. This important volume is a timely contribution to increasing international calls to regulate nanotechnologies. By investigating the ways in which we could regulate these advances, and what we are learning from regulating existing technologies, such as biotechnologies and information technologies, the book debates the roles of government, business actors and the professions in protecting and enhancing the lives of citizens.