Found 2617 books in total
Garis panduan amalan istiadat dan protokol dalam majlis rasmi kerajaan
Penganjuran Majlis Rasmi Kerajaan merupakan antara aktiviti utama dan penting bagi sesebuah negara,...
E-Pembelajaran TVET
Buku ini mengupas tentang e-pembelajaran di Institut Pendidikan dan Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET)...
Integration of Naqli and Aqli
Food and Beverages in Islamic and Science Perspectives covers several foods and beverages that has been...
Halal haram haiwan
Kepelbagaian spesies haiwan yang tinggal di habitat dan negara berbeza memerlukan kepada kupasan hukum...
Women Who Work Too Much
Women can have it all, but do we really want it? This book shows women how to escape the trap of toxic...
From Smartphones to Social Media
This book examines how technology such as smartphones, computers, and the internet shape our physical...
Forensik halal
Buku ini secara garis besarnya menceritakan forensik halal mengikut tiga perspektif utama iaitu sains,...
Medicinal plants of Malaysia and their biotechnology applications
This book described selected plants based on their aphrodisiac, anti-obesity, anti-diabetic and...
Aditif makanan
Malaysia merupakan antara negara yang terkedepan dalam pelaksanaan pensijilan makanan dan barangan halal....
Halal : science & technology module
Halal science and technology module is written to address Halal issues as Muslims populations escalates in...
Made Without Managers
Can we manage without managers? Brought to life through the true stories of the real people who work...
The Introvert Who Could
If you’ve had enough of feeling under pressure, uncomfortable and put on the spot, it's time to stop...
Gaya dewan
Penerbitan buku ini diharap dapat menjadi panduan yang lengkap dan jelas, serta memuaskan kehendak pihak...
Tatabahasa Dewan
Buku ini merupakan pembaikan pada terbitan yang terdahulu di bawah tajuk Tatabahasa Dewan Edisi Baharu....
Khazanah pantun Melayu Riau
Istimewanya Khazanah Pantun Melayu Riau yang menghimpunkan sebanyak 3608 rangkap pantun ini kerana setiap...
Kurik Kundi Merah Saga
Buku ini yang mengandungi sejumlah 5653 rangkap pantun dalam kumpulan ini menjadi saksi kepada ketulenan...
Developing a model of entrepreneurial career success in the Malaysian cosmetic industry
The evidence suggests that entrepreneurship is important for economic development and reducing social...
Perakaunan zakat perniagaan di Malaysia
Buku ini memberikan kupasan yang terperinci tentang zakat perniagaan dengan memaparkan analisis kaedah...
Innovation and technology in Oyster Mushroom Cultivation
This book is an effort from researchers in gathering information from various research activities...
Tesaurus Bahasa Melayu Dewan
Tesaurus ini mengandungi sekitar 5400 entri utama dan 18 000 subentri. Keistimewaan tesaurus ini adalah...
Green Infrastructure
Human beings produce a lot of waste which can be used as recycled materials for benefits to the societies...
Industrial Relations Act 1967 (Act 177), Rules & Regulations
Comprehensive legislation regarding trade unions, collective bargaining, and labour disputes. S. 4...
Who Is the New How
Recruit, create, and retain the best teams In Who Is the New How: Strategies to Find, Recruit, and Create...
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