Origin and Evolution of Viruses

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Subject: Viruses--Evolution
Authors: , ,
Pages: 560 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780123741530
Call No: QR 392. O75 2008
New viral diseases are emerging continuously. Viruses adapt to new environments at astounding rates. Genetic variability of viruses jeopardizes vaccine efficacy. For many viruses mutants resistant to antiviral agents or host immune responses arise readily, for example, with HIV and influenza. These variations are all of utmost importance for human and animal health as they have prevented us from controlling these epidemic pathogens. This book focuses on the mechanisms that viruses use to evolve, survive and cause disease in their hosts. Covering human, animal, plant and bacterial viruses, it provides both the basic foundations for the evolutionary dynamics of viruses and specific examples of emerging diseases.

  • NEW - methods to establish relationships among viruses and the mechanisms that affect virus evolution
  • UNIQUE - combines theoretical concepts in evolution with detailed analyses of the evolution of important virus groups
  • SPECIFIC - Bacterial, plant, animal and human viruses are compared regarding their interation with their hosts