Prescription Drugs

Publisher: Greenhaven Press/Gale Cengage Learning
Subject: Drugs--Public opinion, Pharmaceutical industry
Pages: 246 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780737739626
Call No: RM 301.15 P735 2008
The U.S. pharma industry spent 5.8 billion on direct-to-consumer media in 2016. Editor Sylvia Engdahl has collected essays that provide readers with a broad spectrum of views on prescription drugs and the pharmaceutical industry. The writings represent contrasting views on issues such safety concerns and direct-to-consumer marketing. Students are encouraged to see the validity of divergent opinions, so that they may understand the topic inclusively. The writings in each chapter are organized into a question-and response format, allowing readers to easily summarize different viewpoints. Contains extensive book and periodical bibliographies.