Discovering Biomolecular Mechanisms with Computational Biology

Publisher: Springer US
Subject: Biomolecules--Structure, Bioinformatics, Molecular biology.
Pages: 147 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780387345277
Call No: QP517.M3 D57 2006

In this anthology, leading researchers present critical reviews of methods and high-impact applications in computational biology that lead to results that also non-bioinformaticians must know to design efficient experimental research plans. Discovering Biomolecular Mechanisms with Computational Biology also summarizes non-trivial theoretical predictions for regulatory and metabolic networks that have received experimental confirmation.

Discovering Biomolecular Mechanisms with Computational Biology is essential reading for life science researchers and higher-level students that work on biomolecular mechanisms and wish to understand the impact of computational biology for their success.