
Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Biomolecules, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology
Pages: 350 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780471417194
Call No: QP 514.2 G644 2004
Discussions of the basic structural, nanotechnology, and system engineering principles, as well as an introductory overview of essential concepts and methods in biotechnology, will be included. A  Text is presented side-by-side with extensive use of high-quality illustrations prepared using cutting edge computer graphics techniques. A  Includes numerous examples, such applications in genetic engineering. A  Represents the only available introduction and overview of this interdisciplinary field, merging the physical and biological sciences. A Concludes with the authors' expert assessment of the future promise of nanotechnology, from molecular "tinkertoys" to nanomedicine. A David Goodsell is author of two trade books, Machinery of Life and Our Molecular Nature, and Arthur Olson is the world's leader in molecular graphics and nano-scale representation.