Molecular Modeling

Publisher: Wiley
Subject: Molecules--Models--Computer simulation, Drugs--Design--Computer simulation, Ligand binding (Biochemistry)--Computer simu, Protein binding, Biomolecules--Structure--Computer simulation, Proteins--Structure--Computer simulation.
Authors: , , ,
Pages: 320 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9783527315680
Call No: QD 480. H758 2008
Ideal for beginners, this book explains the basics of modeling in a competent yet easily understandable way. Following complete sections on the modeling of small molecules, protein modeling and chemogenomic, completely worked-out examples show the way to the reader's first modeling experiment. This new, third edition features a new chapter on chemogenomic, reflecting the trend towards 'chemical biology', as well as the protein modeling example being completely rewritten for a better 'feel' of modeling complex biomolecules. The authors are experienced university teachers who regularly hold courses on molecular modeling, making this a tried-and-tested text for teachers. It is equally valuable for experts, since it is the only book to evaluate the strengths and limitations of the molecular modeling techniques and software currently available.