Green Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture

Publisher: Daya Publishing House
Subject: Green technology, Agricultural biotechnology
Pages: 311 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9788170354192
Call No: S494.5.B563 K95 2006
India is an agriculture-based country and Indian agriculture has witnessed a covetable progress during the past days. However, the yield production is not as proportionate as the area of agricultural fields. Hence, it is challenge for our agricultural scientists and policy crisis. So, it is high time to explore and to develop recent strategies for green revolution as well as green technology for sustainable development. The present book opens new vista in designing the various green technology without causing extensive damage to the environment. This book is a unique compilation of most recent research articles of eminent scientist of the concerned fields of agriculture, which will be helpful for students, research scholars, professors, scientists as well as for policy makers in achieving the goal of green revolution.