Production diseases in farm animals

Publisher: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Subject: Livestock--Diseases, Livestock--Metabolism, Livestock productivity, Animal nutrition
Authors: ,
Pages: 344 pages
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 9789076998572
Call No: SF 600. P962 2006
High producing farm animals are permanently challenged by a variety of factors: lack of proper nutrition (deficit/surplus), housing systems, infections and stress. The incidence, course and outcome of production diseases are changing continuously. Therefore new information on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of production diseases is needed. These problems are complicated by the discussion of animal welfare, the rapid changes in agricultural production and the economics of production. The following key topics are handled: Fatty liver in dairy cows Alternatives to growth-promoting antibiotics Chronic inflammation and animal production Animal behavior and welfare in intensive production systems Epidemiology of production diseases New techniques in immunoprophylaxis Nutrition-immunology and production-immunology relationships Phosphorus nutrition: animal health and environmental concerns Application of genomics to production disease Role of specific fatty acids in animal health, reproduction, and performance Trace mineral nutrition and metabolism Subclinical rumen acidosis This book is essential to scientists, veterinarians and others interested in animal production.